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The program

The second year

The second year of the Master (M2) offers professional education focused on the current needs of companies. The majority of the courses are held in English. Several professors from foreign universities teach, professional speakers also offer modules in order to make the link between theoretical courses and current practice.

Each year M2 students have the opportunity to study on campus in a double course in the United States at the University of Delaware (US) where they will follow a course identical to the one of an American in the last year of study. Others may study there for 1 month and receive a certificate in "Project Management".


At the end of M2, students will have to complete a professional summary thesis, do a 6-month end-of-study internship and write an internship report.


Business project management tools. Intervention of a management consultant from Mazars.


Intellectual property and patent protection. Group project on the value of intellectual property. Courses taught by a professional from the INPI.

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Assessment of environmental assets.

Approach to the issue of sustainable development and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).


Management of Big Data and digital challenges in the business world today and tomorrow.

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Project funding (large, medium and small).

Group business creation and financing project.

Writing of a strategy and business development consulting file.


Approach to major data management tools used in business.


Use of SAS software.

Statistical processing and analysis of time series.

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Use of survey techniques used in business project management.


Identify, understand, treat and prioritize the risk.

Risk Management courses given by a foreign speaker.

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Deepening of econometrics applied to the professional world.

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