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Presentation of the Master

Master in Evaluation and Project Management (EGP)

Created in 2005, the Master in Evaluation and Project Management of the Sorbonne School of Management is a diploma whose objective is to combine a solid scientific training with a high-level professional specialization. Reserved for holders of a Bachelor's degree (Bac +3) and students graduating from business schools, the study cycle, lasting two years, leads to a Master's degree (BAC + 5 level). The selection is made on file as well as interview. The Master in Evaluation and Project Management, an elite diploma in the service of a demanding profession, is the perfect example of positive cooperation between the University and the professional world.

As part of a partnership with the University of Delaware (USA), the training offers the opportunity to study aboard during the second year of the Master's.

An international training of excellence
Syoum Negassi, director | Phone: 01 40 46 31 50

Syoum Negassi has a doctorate in applied mathematics. He heads the “Evaluation and Project Management” Master and is responsible for the Sorbonne SEE pole and the new Business and Market Economics section at the Sorbonne School of Management. His research is in the fields of innovation, public policy evaluation and project management. He teaches as a University Professor in the Sorbonne (FR) where he was elected Vice-President. He teaches at the University of Delaware (US). He is also "Lifetime Deputy Director General" (DDG) of the "International Bibliographic Center" (IBC) of the University of Cambridge (UK).

He promoted a partnership with the University of Delaware (US) for his Masters.

Thanks to its degree partnership with the University of Delaware, the Master in Evaluation and Project Management is intended to be an international training. From the first year of the Master, a large part of the courses are held in English. The second year offers the opportunity to travel to the United States to take courses and visit institutions.

The M1 and M2 are taught in the Sorbonne by professors and project management professionals. Students will then benefit from a demanding theoretical and practical education.


A 3-month internship is recommended to enter the Master 1 EGP.

An end-of-study / pre-employment internship (6 months) is required to validate the Master 2 / M2+UD

Several seminars are organized in M2 for students in Paris and the United States (New York, Washington DC, Philadelphia).


A professional and scientific thesis in English or French must be returned at the end of M2.


Throughout the Master cycle, several projects in English and French are requested.

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